Entrepreneurs, Parents & Top Network Marketing Earners

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Top 5 Ways To Save On A Disney Cruise

Top 5 Ways To Save On A Disney Cruise

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How You Benefit From Motivation

How You Benefit From Motivation

Let’s first take a look at the definition…


The act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something…

Most of us need some form of motivation to get things done wouldn’t you say?

Pros out weigh the cons and the motivation makes it a more pleasant process.

It gets your endorphins going and makes you pumped to do whatever it is.

For some things like cleaning your house, being able to look around once it’s done and getting to admire your work may be enough for you.

But what about those things that don’t necessarily pay of right away?

You know, the ones that don’t give you that instant gratification.

For business owners, it’s working a lot more than being an employee and possibly not seeing a dime for a week, month or possibly even a year.

When that happens, how do you stay motivated until you get the gratification?


Motivational Videos

I enjoy watching motivational videos, they use music that is moving and explain how you can accomplish anything to shift your mindset.

That’s where the magic happens.

Think about how you feel right now, watch this video and note how you feel through out and at the end.

(Be sure to turn up your audio :))


Overcoming Habits

We are creatures of habits.

On a daily basis we are pretty predictable, actually predictably irrational more accurately said.

Habits are what we are comfortable doing, we don’t have to think about it.

Our brain prefers to be lazy, that’s why we love movies and TV so much!

So that’s where motivation comes in.

We’ve gotta have a way to over those habits to want to do the things that will get us where we really want to be in life.

Ways to stay motivated and overcome those habits:

  • Motivational apps
  • Pins that are motivating
  • Motivational videos
  • Reward systems for getting things done
  • Guided meditations on Youtube

Whatever you choose, the key is to do it consistently.

Remember how we are creatures of habits?

Create new habits that will get you closer to your goals.

It might be a little uncomfortable for awhile, but think of what’s possible in creating new habits.


Motivated Entrepreneurs

When you become an entrepreneur, the motivation to get things done shifts from making your boss happy, to making yourself happy.

We are more likely to do things for other people than for ourselves so it’s a shift in your mindset.

Especially at the beginning when we don’t get instant gratification in our bank account.

As an entrepreneur, once I created new habits for myself to stay motivated as a stay-at-home mom with 4 kids, it made a night and day difference in my life and business.

For me to stay motivated, even though we have grown our business to financial freedom, we still need motivation to continue doing the actions that continue building our business.

We understand that just because we have built our business, doesn’t mean we don’t have to work another day in our lives.

But what we do get is to make our own schedule, decide how much we want to make and have control of our destiny.

If you are someone that is looking for motivation for a better life and would like to create a greater lifestyle as well, we may have a solution for you.

My husband Quintin and I work from home and have leveraged a simple business model to do it.

As top earners we have showed lots of other moms how to leverage it and stay motivated as well.

We have the details on our website and you will know in the next 9 minutes if it’s right for you too.

Don’t Be A Crabby Crab

Don’t Be A Crabby Crab

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How To Be Successful In Network Marketing…Keep Digging

How To Be Successful In Network Marketing…Keep Digging

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Faith and Business

Faith and Business

I love Jesus, he and I are buddies who met when I was a 17-year-old punk kid.

We have had a relationship full of successes and sometimes disappointments but we have always loved each other.

I think the thing that works best for He and I is that we both meet each other where we are, and except each other while at the same time, still maintaining an eye on truth and growth in our relationship.

We love each other, but are certainly not afraid to say what needs to be said to each other.

I had a HUGE “ah ha” moment with regards to my pal Jesus and this business this past summer, at an event we attended for our business actually.


See, I had become very open about using the term “we don’t need to make any more money” in various chats I had been taking part in.

I used this term, well honestly, because I felt that way.

We were being blessed beyond my wildest imagination and were making more money than I ever dreamed. I really felt like we did not “need” any more money than what we had coming in at that time.

I came from very little, and therefore was perfectly comfortable surviving in a world of modesty when it comes to income.

We made fine money and lived fine by most standards.

What I was not aware of, is how my past had shaped my view of money, success, and Jesus….Big time.


See, I truly believed we did not need to make a dime more, we were fine before, we were fine now, and we will be fine down the road.

See, I know my Pal Jesus has a plan for me.

What I know most about that plan….Is that he expects me to use the talents he has given me to the fullest.

To press on and work harder, be more, go more, do more, grow more and guess what……MAKE MORE.

What I realized this summer when I watched one of our business mentors almost come across the table after I mistakenly said to her, “we don’t need to make any more money”, was that I had allowed various worldviews to shape my perspective of success and money.

I had almost allowed success and money to be vilified, to take on an image of evil…largely from my modest upbringing in a family without Christ.


Then, when I did find my pal Jesus, I was indoctrinated with the belief that making money was selfish, or bad in some way.

It was not necessarily evil, but it was on the wrong side of “good”, let’s just say that.

Maybe this sounds crazy, but my worldview had been shaped to believe that people who had success and/or money were the bad guys….

Yeah, I did think that actually.

So guess what that meant in my mind….I did not want to be the bad guy, yep!


See a problem here??


Then this happened: We were all at this event, all successful people standing in a room being lead in prayer, talkin’ to my pal Jesus.

After the Prayer ended, there were a few words shared by the leadership council and one of those words hit me hard….very hard.

A gentleman stood up and challenged us….He challenged us to make the most money we could, to have the most success we could.

To work hard, grow hard, and earn hard.

Yikes….did he want me to be even more of the “bad guy”???

And then the Bomb came….

Do you know why the people in that room needed to be challenged in such a way?

 Because Of the people in that room, the ones who know my Pal Jesus , if they did not do those things…..someone else would!!!!!

 Yep, back up and read that line again.

See, that money and success is going to be had by someone, why on earth would we not want it to be in the hands of those who know my Pal Jesus?

Those are the ones I trust to do good, to make change, to give in a way that honors.

Those people who will instill hard work values in their children. Who will set an example for their kids about what the true American Dream was and is all about.

THOSE are the people we want that money and success in the hands of, isn’t it??


WOW……let me say that again, WOW!!!


This slapped my worldview right in the face and woke me up big time.

See what happens sometimes is people use their faith to build a shield in front of them.

It’s easy to do, in fact I would bet we have all done it at some point.

If we fall back to that shield, use our faith to defend our actions or lack of actions, it’s a tough one to attack right?

I mean who wants to attack someone’s stance of faith?

Well I am here to tell you that we all believe in the same Jesus.

The beautiful thing about that fella is that we all have a very personal relationship to work through with Him.

I would challenge all of your thinking about the tools, talents and abilities that he has given you to use in a wide variety of ways.

Every one of us is different, differently equipped and differently challenged in our faith.

One is not better than the other and I would argue the parts work best together for the whole.

So while our gifts may sometimes seem challenging to others, we need to also be mindful that often, our Pal Jesus puts people in our lives for reasons we do not see at first.

Sometimes, we completely resist them all together.

We want to see the world from our own eyes only, and not be open to the challenges before us.

We sit there and take comfort in the notion that God will take care of us, yet we pay little attention to the abilities we have to go out and make the changes needed to take care of ourselves.

You are fully equipped for success if you just let go and make use of the resources provided to you!!

God has fully equipped you to rock and roll on this thing called life..

When you find yourself struggling, its uncomfortably true that we need to evaluate how we are using the resources provided to us.

Be open to the people you have around you, I guarantee they are there for a reason.

Grab ahold of all the success and money you can, I trust it in your hands way more than most!

Get out there and WORK IT!


Do You Give

Do You Give

How many times have you found yourself talking about giving 100% to what you are doing or going “all in”? I bet it’s quite often. This is a common theme when leading and speaking about success, business, and leadership. Give 100% Go all in! Right? […]

How To Create A Youtube Video For Your Business

How To Create A Youtube Video For Your Business

In small businesses like ours, people join people. So it’s really important to know… how to create a youtube video so they get to know, like and trust you. Two main reasons we do this business is time and financial freedom.  It really is possible […]

Tough Love with Love..

Tough Love with Love..

tough love

To begin…if you start to feel like I’m talking directly to you, I probably am.

Please know that this is intended to help you grow your business, whatever that business may be.

I want every single mom to be successful, if that’s what they want…that is my focus and my heart’s desire.

Part of success is having the right mindset.

I get A LOT of messages from people who feel discouraged or frustrated about not getting people to join their business or seeing their team slow down or fall apart.

 “Excuses are the #1 cause for failure…if you’re surrounded by people full of excuses, that is a full reflection of yourself.” ~ Dani Johnson

Here are some of the most frequent excuses I hear, and my candid response to them:

“I have talked to some people and nobody wants to get started yet, oh well fingers crossed, it’s obviously not Gods timing yet “

NO ~ First of all talking about this to just a handful of people you think MIGHT be interested will not get you far.

Who are you to prejudge whether they want/need this product/opportunity.

I have heard many people say that NOBODY knew how badly they were struggling.

Imagine if their sponsor had decided not to share this opportunity with them.

AND If you are not getting the results, figure out what you could say differently.

What you aren’t saying that you could.

“It’s not Gods timing yet.”

Negative Ghost Rider.

Do not blame Gods plan if you are not doing everything that YOU can do to grow to to grow your business.

And I’m not talking about sporadic Facebook posts and an occasional email or phone call.

Oh things are  just CRAZY BUSY right now, I don’t have the time.”

NO ~ MAKE the time!

Stop making excuses.

I had four kids aged 6 and under home with me ALL day EVERY day and promoted Diamond through Triple Diamond.

I could EASILY have said I didn’t have time, it was MADNESS.

I CHOSE to make it happen and CHOSE not to make excuses.

“Nobody has any money.”


Well then I guess the mall should shut down, the spas and salons should close and the plastic surgeons doing lipo and tummy tucks or med spas doing laser fat removal for SURE should close their doors since nobody has money to spend.

“I work SO HARD and cannot get anyone to be in my business.”

~ If people are telling you no it’s because of how you are presenting it.

Figure out what you could say differently and why you aren’t getting the results you want.

If others are getting business and you are not, why do you think that is?

What is the variable factor in that equation?

Have you spent time learning what successful people are doing, have you invested time in developing your skills, have you got yourself to every local training and every corporate event possible?

Or did you just expect to come into this business and be successful without learning how?

“No one on my team is working”

~ Are YOU working?

How many people did YOU bring into the business last month?

Does your team see you post on FB or hear from you or see YOU LIKE or COMMENT on posts on the team page?

What do you want your team to do?

Email/message/text post for prospects, work and add to their list of fifty?

Do online trainings?

Develop themselves?

Blitz daily?

Get to corporate events?

HONESTLY are you doing those things?

If you are quiet and absent and have your feet up GUESS WHAT, that’s what your team is going to do too!!!

You CANNOT just bring a few people into business and then sit back and wait for THEM to make the magic happen!

There are NO shortcuts to the top!

“I want to quit, someone I know signed up under someone else!!”

~ Why was that?

Did you tell that person about this venture? …I’d guess not.

You probably didn’t post much on FB or talk about it with her incase you sounded pushy or annoyed her right?

NEWSFLASH if you don’t share your opportunity with EVERYONE that you know, then somebody else who IS working their business WILL!

Again get over yourself and realize that your opportunity is what people WANT and NEED and don’t yet know it yet.

It is not about YOU.

If you don’t have the confidence to share, it’s because you don’t believe in it and don’t see it as a blessing that you are sharing, you see it as a way for you to make a buck and THAT makes you uncomfortable.

Figure out how to get past that or you WILL fail.

How do you build your belief?

Get the courage to talk to a couple of people whose lives have changed because of it.
It may help you realize it does happen and can happen for you and those you bring in the business.

“My Leader SUCKS and without great leadership, I just can’t make this work.”

~ YOU are responsible for YOUR success.

You are an independent business owner NOT an employee.

We all have tools and training opportunities available to us.

Don’t sit there WAITING for someone to train you.

Don’t sit there waiting for someone to motivate you.

I know SEVERAL of the people in the higher ranks and even some of the top income earners whose sponsors disappeared after bringing them into the business.

Yet somehow they were successful.

Where else can you connect to inspiring leadership?

Corporate calls, corporate events, leadership books and audios, local trainings.

When I feel in a funk I take responsibility for myself and go find a recorded recorded corporate calls.  Jump The Funk and get my fire and energy back.

Nobody can do that for me, except for ME!.

If you don’t like your leader, then BE the kind of leader you would want to have. It’s up to YOU!

“I’ll get to that tomorrow/when the kids get back to school/after vacation/when the wind changes direction/insert excuse”.

Note: You don’t say this to me, you say “yes I have some coals in the fire.”

 ~ Get real with yourself about how you are spending the hours in your day.

I fit this business in my doing as much as I can, as fast as I can, when I can.

You’re cooking dinner? Work on your smart phone.

Let your husband take the kids to their activity sometimes, stay up late/get up early.

Of course we need balance but are you letting those things be your excuses.

If you invest your time now then you will have MORE time to do those things later, you will be MORE available to your family when you can quit your job because you built your It Works business.

Life is ALWAYS going to be ‘busy’….Especially if you have kids!

I say- stop trying to make extra time for your biz and start incorporating your biz into your busy life.

Talk about it at dance class, soccer games, the grocery store. We are in network marketing. It can literally be done from ANYWHERE!

“I don’t know as many people as you do.”

 ~ Ugh! 80% of my team were virtual strangers to me before the signed up.

I TALK to people about my biz. Even if I DON’T know them.

In fact, especially if I don’t know them.

SO, now I have a question:

Are you committed to growing your business?

Honestly, are you committed to making it a priority in your life so next year at this time your life can look a whole lot different than it does now?

Who really wants to be making 5 figures a month by this time next year?

Money or Excuses.

Which do you want to make?

If you wanna make money, we can show you how we’ve done it and it’s totally duplicateable.

Take a look HERE.

Cranky & Overwhelmed?

Cranky & Overwhelmed?

Welcome to the club!!! Being a successful business woman, a SAHM of 4 kids and a superstar wife is NOT easy!! Cranky, tired, failure days are gonna happen momma, buckle up!. Here is what I have learned and yes, this may seem a tad oversimplified […]