Have you ever wanted to show a group of people something LIVE remotely but didn’t have a means to do it?
Maybe take them on a hot air balloon ride with you or get an urgent message out quickly.
You know, there are ways of doing this but it wasn’t very easy, it wasn’t just a click of a button.
Now, we have the Periscope app. 
It was launched for iphone in March of 2015 to discover the world through other people’s eyes.
They wanted to build the next best thing to teleportation.
Now, you can simply open your free Periscope app on your phone to show live events!
How To Use Periscope
You can download it and use your Twitter logins, otherwise use your phone number.
After you download it and you’re ready to be on a live stream, select the broadcast icon.

Then you will see…

Go ahead and give it an attention grabbing headline where you see it say “What are you seeing now?”, you can even put emoticons to grab your followers attention in that title.
You can have the camera face you so you will see yourself and see what’s going on, or you can turn it around to show things on the other side.
With Periscope, the goal is to get lots of hearts.
Ask viewers to tap their screen to give you those hearts, give them valuable content and do it consistently.
It’s just like anything else, consistency is the key!
Your viewers can also comment, which is always fun to watch.
At the end of your live stream, select the down arrow in the upper right hand corner to stop the broadcast.
You can also choose to record the video on your phone at the same time.
The benefit to that is to upload them to Youtube.
Most people do vertical videos so they can see the comments without totally blocking the video, so just know that in Youtube it will be a vertical video like the one below.
Take a look…

I know, I look crazy in this pic, lol.
But I wanted to show you what it looks like with the hearts and comments.
Periscope for business
The goal just like anything else, is to be found.
You are ranked by the number of hearts people give you by tapping on their phone’s screen.
They can also leave comments, but the hearts are what matter the most so you want to encourage them to tap their screen to send the love…AKA hearts!
To get the hearts, you need a following.
Ways to gain a following on Periscope
Tweet on Twitter…
Twitter and Periscope are connected so you can easily gain a Periscope audience from Twitter if you have one.
Post that you are on Periscope, mention that they can log in with their Twitter logins and ask them to follow you.
But asking them to follow you is not enough though.
Depending on who you are targeting, make sure you give them a great reason to follow.
For example, “Follow me to discover how you can work part-time from home without ever picking up the phone.”
This goes for promoting on all social media outlets.
Always give them a reason to do something, something that’s in it for them.
Oh and also, while you’re broadcasting, you can ask them to right swipe their screen and share the video to their Twitter followers!
Post on Facebook…
Do a snapshot of your profile picture on Periscope, ask your audience to download the app for free and give them your name to search for.
Follow the guidelines above.
Hop on Periscope…
On Periscope, it shows the people with the most hearts, they are the ones that are easily found.
*Hint..hint…your goal is to be on that list!
Look at their description, if they are in a similar industry, follow them.
Make sure your notification settings is turned “on” so when they broadcast live, you can hop on.
You will begin to see others commenting, touch them, select view profile and see what their description is.
If it’s someone you can connect with and possibly do business with, go ahead and follow them and send them a message.
You can send a message hitting reply in the same screen you selected view profile.
Everyone on Periscope will see that message, IT IS NOT PRIVATE.
Just fyi 🙂
When you follow someone, they will likely follow you back.
The Best Part About Periscope
Well, besides it being so easy…there are no do overs.
I don’t know about you, but I would do take after take on Youtube videos.
This is LIVE…once it’s on, it’s on and no do overs!
And…it’s only up for 24 hours, then it is gone forever!
Feel free to see how I do my Periscope videos by following me…Lori Conway 🙂