How To Make Money With A Niche Blog

You hear about making money blogging all the time.
Generally the first question that arises is, well what do I write about?
This is where a niche comes in.
If you are pretty new to the online world, the best way to start out is to blog about something you are interested in.
You hear about mommy blogs and not to say that you can’t do that, but narrowing it down more is beneficial.
For example, if you are into Title Boxing, you could have a blog about that.
When other moms search for Title Boxing, they may find you and you both have that commonality.
Yes, the blog would be all about Title Boxing, however, you can also compare it to other things that your followers might be looking into such as kick boxing.
How to choose a niche
Choosing a niche can be challenging.
But that’s only because you may be over thinking it.
Choose something you are interested in and want to write about consistently.
Might be reviews on different books you read.
Or if you travel a lot, you could write about your experience traveling.
The more narrow you can be with your niche, the better.
How to monetize your niche blog
There are a few ways of monetizing your blog.
First of all, if you have a home-based business, on a lot of the time at the end of your article, segway it into saying something like…
“I’m a stay-at-home mom of 4 kids and I work part-time from the comfort of my soft fluffy couch. If you are interested in making money from home too, click HERE.”
Hyperlink that last sentence for them to click on, taking them to a page you can collect their name and email.
The majority of the time they aren’t going to buy from you right away.
Getting their name and email is going to allow you to communicate with them so they will get to know, like and trust you.
Why would they give you their name and email?
Since email has been around for awhile and our inboxes are jam packed with lots we no longer want, we have to give them a good reason to enter their name and email.
If you use the above segway, on the capture page where they put their information it is actually enough to say…
“Discover how stay-at-home mom of 4 works part-time from the comfort of her soft fluffy couch and how you can too”
Or maybe you want to actually give a “How to” away if you’re niche is on something like Title Boxing.
“5 Simple Steps To _____”
The 5 Simple Steps could be something you typed up in Google Drive and saved it as a pdf.
Or maybe a video describing the 5 simple steps.
You can also go over to and buy a cover for your pdf to make it look professional for $5.
Make money without collecting name and emails
You don’t have to always collect name and emails, really depends on how you choose to monetize your blog.
If you’re doing a blog on books, then you could link the end of your post to that exact book with your affiliate link and when they buy it, you make a commission.
Amazon affiliate links are free, it just takes setting it up.
I know that sounds really simple, the most challenging part about it is getting enough eyeballs on your blog.
Just like anything else, it’s a numbers game.
Our blog is about being entrepreneurs and parents.
We do our best to give you the goods on how we are successful in business and as proud parents.
We have made it to the top of our first company we have ever been with and it’s from helping other moms like you.
If you’re interested in working part-time from home, we can show you how it’s done.
And if you’re thinking, oh I can’t blog…the good news is that you don’t have to!
Check out our business HERE to see if it’s right for you too.
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