Who Is Your Ideal Customer?

If you’re in network marketing and lets say your products are in the health and diet category.
Who is your ideal customer?
I mean, we all need to be healthy and a lot of us need to diet a little bit.
So who is it?
Well…that’s not quite accurate.
When promoting your business, really understand everything about that ideal customer.
You want to know what their strengths are, their weaknesses, what drives them, what keeps them awake at night.
Where they like to shop, what they spend their money on (we all have that area we are ok splurging in).
Knowing all of this, do you still feel like EVERYONE is your ideal customer?
Can you talk to everyone and reach them at the same deep level to really touch, move and inspire them?
Or is it better to narrow it down a bit more?
Maybe if you’re just getting started or you’re fairly new at owning a small business, what do you think about your ideal customer being YOU?
You chose that company for a reason.
You like the products (if you don’t, you might change companies).
You know your strengths, weaknesses, what drives you, what keeps you awake at night.
Do you see why choosing YOU as your ideal customer to speak to is the best route to go…at least until you nail it, then you can speak to others.
How to identify your ideal customer
At the beginning, if you have a free gmail account, open that up and go into drive.google.com.
It’s like a Microsoft office, it’s my fav!
Create a Google Doc and start putting down strengths, weaknesses, fears, what keeps you awake at night, etc.
You can also have this on your smart phone with an app so you can easily continuously add to it, getting to know yourself better and better.
You’ve gotta speak directly to your ideal customer.
If you’re lost…hang in their with me
What to do with your ideal customer insights
After you have a lot of really great details in that Google Doc, it’s time to decide where you’re going to promote and what you’re going to say.
Remember, we want to speak directly to them.
As though they are your best friend that completely relates to you.
So if they feel stuck because they’ve exhausted their warm market and don’t know how to generate leads, you could say something like…
Tired of “bothering” your warm market? (pain point)
Feeling like they don’t want to hear about your latest NEW thing that could change their life?
Have they heard it all before?
The last thing you want is to be part of is the NFL club(No Friends Left).
This is exactly how I felt just 6 months ago before my business took off.
I’m happy to say that you don’t have to bother your friends and family EVER…AGAIN….because they are going to come to YOU!
I personally figured out a secret ninja trick that I’ve used the last 6 months to magnetically attract ideal customers, including friends and family into my business.
Private message me for a free report showing you EXACTLY how I’ve done it.
You wanna know what it is right?
You’re dying to know right?
That’s the point!
Notice how this ad NEVER mentioned the company’s name?
It is speaking directly to network marketers that are struggling and they haven’t gotten how the business works yet.
I didn’t try to “sell” them anything…I didn’t try to “recruit” them.
I’m just giving them a solution to their problem.
The free report is 1 thing you can create providing a solution to exhausting their warm market.
The free report is literally just a PDF you created that has details on what you just told your ideal customer you would give them.
Whatever you’re offering, make sure you’ve done it and you know it works first.
The last thing we want to do is upset that ideal customer by giving them something in theory that doesn’t really work.
We would love for them to get it and ask questions, building rapport and if you haven’t actually done it yourself, it’s going to show and they’re not going to listen to another word from you.
I’d also recommend including a picture.
An attention grabbing one, not a company image.
Preferably an attention grabbing one of YOU.
You can even put a caption in it saying, “Tired of “bothering” your warm market?”
Ties in to the ad copy.
A great image would reflect on the emotions they feel.
So maybe a lost, puzzled or warn out facial expression.
Make sure it is ALMOST selfie style…but not.
The only way you’re going to know what to say in the ad or post is if you do the exercise to really know who your ideal customer is.
Wondering how to get this ideal customer in your business?
Since you haven’t mentioned the company name or even what products you promote, you’ve gotta know how to monetize this.
So your call to action was to private message them.
Once they do, ask them what they are promoting and then how it’s going for them.
Ask about their concerns and LISTEN.
When they start spelling out their concerns is when you’re there to give your solution… working with you.
What about attracting your ideal customer to sell your products?
One way you can go about it is to create a similar ad but talks about the pain of not being healthy.
The lack of energy, clarity and knowing you are decreasing your life expectancy living the way you do.
Then telling them you found a product that has added 20 years to your life.
Then tell them how to contact you to share.
Use another image that describes how you feel and add a caption that’s relevant to the ad.
Both of these are branding YOU.
The majority brand their company because they don’t know of any other way.
You’ll go much farther if you find your ideal customer branding yourself because you know you the best and you will magnetically attract them into your business!
If you don’t have a business right now and looking for a way to work part-time from home, we can definitely help you with that…in fact, that’s what we specialize in 🙂
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