From Exhausted and Broke, to Mommy Millionaire With a Full Heart

I am often asked can a stay-at-home mom really generate meaningful income for herself and her family.
For those of you who do not like to read, here is the quick answer: I turned a $99 investment in a small business, into over a million dollar business, and I did it all from a chair in my living room. So yes, yes you really can! Now, for the rest of you who would like a small picture of my heart, read on!
If you had asked me that question several years ago, I would have said yes, but without a defined plan on how or without really maybe believing it was true. I would have blindly said yes, because I still have that American dream mentally built in, that we all truly can do whatever we want if we work hard enough at the right thing. I just had this innate feeling that I, as a stay at home momma, really could do awesome things.
I am not at all suggesting that I wasn’t already…I mean. I was the CEO of our household and I kept 4 kids alive on a daily basis I was already pretty awesome in my book! But somehow, I still managed to feel like I had lost myself.
Then one night I went to a party and tried this crazy wrap thing. It sounded too good to be true, but hey, why not! I have spend more on less for sure, so trying a wrap for $30 was pretty simple.
I fell in LOVE.
I loved what the product did for my mommy belly and I saw the excitement of those around me and was quick enough to realize I had stumbled onto something awesome!
I signed up that that night.
It cost $99 to become a distributor and I had no idea how that small investment was about to change my life. I knew almost nothing about the business, the other products or how to grow an “at home” business, but I knew this was special and I wanted to try it! Fast forward 2.5 years.
Since that night of divine intervention (b/c I personally don’t believe in chance) , my entire life has been changed. Every aspect of my existence has been improved. I know that may seem a tad dramatic, but I want you to feel my passion for what has happened to me.
You see, I absolutely loved my life as a stay at home mother. It was my dream, it was/is my heart, and it was what my husband and I had committed to doing since our years of dating 20 years ago! I knew I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. Having said this, something was missing. Something was just not complete inside me. What I was not aware of then and what I see clearly now, is that be blessed to being a SAHM (Stay at home mom) was indeed a dream come true- but a dream that for lack of better explanation, left me feeling somewhat empty and void of my “self”.
I felt like was missing my own identity.
I was someone’s wife, someone’s mom, a playgroup’s organizer, a small group’s attender, a mops table leader…….I had all these identities, but none of them were ME!!
Where had I gone? I felt as if the greatest joy in my life was being lost on the depletion of my own identity. Yikes, how could this happen when I was doing what I loved, and what I know I was created to be??
Okay so that was a lot to read but necessary for me to explain the transformation I experienced. I started this business because I loved what the product did for me and how excited I saw people around me get about what it was doing for them too. So I went to work at this wrap gig. I wrapped people like there was no tomorrow!
I found that people loved these products and really wanted what we had to offer. I dove all in and MADE TIME TO WORK THIS BUSINESS because let’s be honest, I did not have time to shower in the am, let alone add something more. I mean I didn’t have time to get my makeup on because I had to feed 4 kids, change diapers, tie 8 shoes, get them ready for school pack lunches….You know the drill. I DID NOT HAVE TIME. Just like you are sitting here thinking right now. So congrats, you don’t have time- Neither did I!
🙂 Here comes the bomb that is harsh truth that separates those who do from those who never did…… I MADE TIME.
I can recall being so worried that I had made this decision because I truly had no time. I recall that I even picked up the phone and called the person who sponsored me in a panic. What had I done, I had no time for this!!! I had “buyer’s remorse” and was scared I had made a bad decision! Then it hit me, I realized that I was never going to have time. I thought to myself, if I do not make the time NOW, I am going to wake up 5 years from now feeling the exact same way, I just don’t have time…..
…Being a mom, a wife, a woman is so hard. You feel guilty for everything you do that is not investing into your family, your husband, or someone else. But the reality is, if you do not invest and pour into yourself, you are going to wake up years down the road and realize you have nothing left for YOU. 5 years down the road, you are going to realize you have lost yourself!
So, I worked it into my life. I invited people into my home even though it looked like a midwest tornado had just blown through. I had moms bring their kids with them into my craziness. We found a way to work our business! Our kids were bouncing off the walls, and here we were working a business into our lives!! I was excited about a product that made women feel amazing from the outside in after experiencing the battle wounds of child birth!! Dang you Eve for that whole apple debacle!
I have now found my passion in helping other women feel better about themselves though our amazing products and give them hope that they can contribute to their family by reducing the financial burden of a modern life.
In doing so…
…I not only found financial freedom, but I truly found myself, my own identity, my own heart, my own passion.
I am not just someone’s mom, someone’s wife, I am a STRONG independent stay at home mom mother who cares deeply for showing others how to duplicate exactly what I have done with my business. I love me!!!!
Okay, so I just went on a passion filled explanation there but here is my heart: I changed every aspect of my life with this business. I started just wanting to make $200 so I could get my hair and nails done without it causing friction with my hubby!
Here I am, 2.5 years later, and I have done some amazing financial things. I did all these things…yes, all of them, as a STAY AT HOME MOM.
- We became debt free
- I retired my husband from a six figure job
- we have taken trips all over the world
- we have had awesome family vacations
- we bought our dream home
- and I made more money that I ever thought possible in a lifetime….in one year!!!
- I was the lucky number 7 earner in the whole company!!!
So when people ask me…
… Honestly, is there money to be made in this business?
I have to smile and my heart fills up. Absolutely there is money to be made in this business!!! But, that may end up being the smallest of all the fulfilling things this business brings!
I would love to have you as a business partner. I would love to dream with you, I would love to coach you, I would love to help you make money but most of all….I would love to help you find yourself and to help fill you back up with the confidence and joy that comes from your own clear and strong identity!
Can a stay at home mom make money in this business? YOU BET SHE CAN!
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